
The Song That Defines This New Years Morning...

... Even Though this video went up in Oct. 2011.


This is one of my favorites. Followers of popular YouTube filmmaker Julian Smith might have seen it a few years ago - he directed the video.

There are many things I could say about what it means to me, but I'm more interested in sharing it with new listeners. May the new year bring you things you don't expect, and love you'll never forget.




2016 Begins.

How about a new blog.

For the past several years, I've always used tumblr as an outlet for a few thoughts about current projects. In 2014, I even documented daily writing totals when I had momentum going on book-writing. That lasted a few months and 30,000 words.

I scrapped those words. Most of them at least. Some may survive this next draft, but given the discoveries I've made about storytelling this year... the majority are void.

Blogging. Not by any means a glorious pastime for me. I've never had more than a few readers. I don't have higher hopes for this outlet either, but it's nice to have a more professional format for my thoughts.

